“Chiropractic” comes from two Grecian words. “Cheir”, meaning hand, and “praktos”, meaning done, translates to “Done by Hand”. That’s kind of perfect!
In 1895, Daniel David Palmer, the father of Chiropractic, gave the first adjustment to Harvey Lillard. These chiropractic adjustments helped Lillard regain his hearing after an accident he had 17 years earlier.
To become a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC), you need to complete a minimum of 4,200 hours of classroom, lab, and clinical internships during a 4-year doctoral program. If you were to combine all those hours, it would be 175 days non-stop!
An estimated 35 million American adults and children are treated by Doctors of Chiropractic (DCs) each year.
There are around 95,000 active doctors of chiropractic worldwide, along with 10,000 students in the United States alone, currently enrolled in chiropractic education programs.
32 National Football League teams take advantage of chiropractic. Each of the 32 teams has a chiropractor on staff to increase performance, maintain the players’ well-being, and treat musculoskeletal strain and injury.
Surprisingly, chiropractic care can be very beneficial to infants. Birth can be tough on a newborn! Infant adjustments are perfectly safe and modified for the baby’s needs.
Across the globe, over one million adjustments occur each day!
In over 40 countries including the U.S., chiropractic is recognized and regulated by law. There are licensed D.C.s in all 50 states!
Injured at work? Did you know you are 28 times less likely to undergo spinal surgery if the first medical professional you contact is a D.C. rather than a surgeon?
One of the most common symptoms treated by chiropractic care, lower back pain, could cost up to 20% percent less if it is first treated by a DC instead of an MD.